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Monday, July 6, 2009

Fish a Fish Items Hack!

To play this game:
Find the other who playing this game:
To hack the items:
Require: Cheat Engine
(For number of item = N, the search value is N*8+6)
Open CE and search number of the item value (Use 4-bytes , Also scan read-only memory)
eg, For hack a boat,
If you have 1 boat, First Scan 14
Buy the new one, Next Scan 22
It should only 1 address, double click it, add to bottom box, change it value to what you wish
(1000 items = 8006, 500 items = 4006)

1 comment:

  1. This is the tool to penetrate a facebook account
    There are already many tools that appear similar
    This is one of the best


